Thursday, May 27, 2010

Purchasing Access or Receiving Access

It must be tough being a Duchess these days.  I didn't realize that the financial benefits were so measly that one would have to resort to selling access to your former husband, the Prince!  Poor Fergie.  If she just could have lived a hundred years ago she wouldn't have had to worry about video and Internet technology.  Now the whole world can view her, caught in the act of offering to sell access to her ex-husband, Prince Andrew, in return for 500,000 pounds (about $724,000).

Don't misunderstand me.  I'm certainly not throwing any stones.  I think I can understand why Fergie would do such a thing.  I remember as a teenager when I realized that my older cousin was married to Bill Golden of the Oak Ridge Boys.  Why I'd have been more than happy to sell access.  Twenty bucks would have worked for me!  Before I have any takers I must sadly report that they are divorced.  Hey…wait a minute, that didn't stop Fergie!"

Actually this small nugget of news reminded me of something precious.  I'm sure there would be many who would and have paid to gain access to a famous person.  How about access to God?  How about having access to His mercy and His listening ear?  There are many who try to earn such through a transaction.  They offer their good works, their best efforts, in hopes that God will accept them.  But according to the Bible access to God is not something we pay to receive.  It's already been paid for:

For through him [Jesus Christ] we both have access in one Spirit to the Father. (Eph 2:18)

Jesus didn't come and try to sell us access to the Father.  Instead, He paid the price for access at the cost of His own life.  And if you want to catch Him making this transaction you won't find it on a video on the Internet – you'll have to look to the cross at Calvary.

Pastor Van


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Babies and Their Creator

In September of 2009 I began preaching through the New Testament book of Romans.  In chapter two of Romans we noted that we have been endowed by our Creator with a sense of right and wrong.  Recently, I ran across an article that I considered to be thought provoking, so I want to share it with you.

Pastor Van